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     Method Coaching & Bodywork

    We are always Whole, even when we feel fragmented and lost, we are whole and holy.

    BodyMind Coaching and Bodywork, support our integration and alignment to feeling and knowing our whole-ness. 


    The foundation of this work comes from 25+ years of bodywork. Presently,  it’s evolved into working deep into the layers of self to welcome wholeness, healing and transformation through Coaching and Bodywork combo 2-hour sessions and longer program containers (3, 6, 9 and 12-month programs). 


    I have a full tool box that includes: yoga nidra, coaching, reiki, massage and so many more gifts to offer you. The possibilities of how I can support you go deep! The best way for me to share is for us to chat so I can hear more about what you’re looking for. Is that something you’re interested in exploring? If so, REACH OUT! 




    BodyMind Coaching

    Is a unique coaching method that invites the wisdom of the body to be centered and aligned with the mind (thoughts/beliefs) so that choices and decisions in life are made from this clear, wise place. This *embodied method of coaching invites one to  transformation and change on deep levels, to step into their True Nature, and CELEBRATE ones Wholeness, potential, and growth  in a co-creative relationship. 

    *Be-ing embodied is about how we engage with our body, mind, soul/the layers of Self in relation to our inner and outer worlds-Be-ing Present to all that is. 


    I've supported people moving from: shame to acceptance, stress to rest and relaxation, feeling stuck to freedom & flow, gripping/controlling to surrendering and trusting, should to could, urgency and busy to slowing down and ease. Focus around: deepening relationship, trust and listening to/with the body, resolve with work/relationship stress, be-ing (more) self loving, prioritizing Self/daily practices,  perimenopausal/menopausal support, energy body literacy, getting comfortable with asking for help/receiving, reuniting the thinking mind with the grounded, wise intelligence of the body, limiting beliefs, proving/authentic cycles, core values, boundaries, karmic patterns that no longer serve, identity, belonging, grief, comfort zone, money manifestation, trusting intuition and moving from this wise place and taking up space, and living from a place of heart-centeredness, love, & joy.  


    "The BodyMind program came at the exact right time in my life, and it was a wonderful catalyst on my healing journey. The tenderness and care I received from Jess was beautiful and life changing. Her intuition and healing knowledge are extraordinary, and I will forever be grateful for her loving kindness" 





    Sessions with me are an intuitive fusion of the beautiful modalities that I offer (see below). 





    Beautifully deep energy healing modality with Japanese roots that taps into Universal Life energy and love to move blockages and support healing. 

    Massage Therapy

    Massage allows for embodiment, to check into the layers of our being-body,
    mind and spirit/soul-essence and feel and notice. Massage therapy focuses on releasing,
    relaxing and stretching muscle and fascial layers of the body.


    These modalities focus on tension, soft tissue/muscle release, imbalance, and
    discomfort in the mouth. Perfect for those who struggle with migraines, headaches, sinus
    issues, clenching and grinding, and issues and concerns around voicelessness and speaking
    one’s truth.

    CranioSacral Therapy

    CranioSacral Therapy is a light-touch, manual therapy that releases tensions, as
    well as restrictions deep in the body, especially in the nervous system,  to relieve pain, trauma,
    dysfunction and improve overall health and well-being.

    Lymphatic Drainage

    A gentle yet powerful modality that supports the movement of stagnation, allows the
    body to find balance and homeostasis when the immune system is taxed.

    Final Touch Technique

    This offering is for those who are in all stages of dying and for those
    looking for and needing massage/comfort touch that is gentle and skilled. This technique is great for frail and compromised bodies, as well.


    Do you want to know more about BodyMind Coaching  and Grief Coaching Programs? Or VIP mini-retreat days? Please reach out! Let's see if what you want and what I have to offer align! 




    I make no guarantees about the results that will happen for you when we work together. I am here to support you as best as I am able, NOT FIX YOU. 



    Investment for 1:1:
    90-minute session $180
    2-hour BodyMind and/or Grief Coaching+ support ses
    sion $250
    (this is a unique combo coaching support/bodywork session)

    -virtual and in-person offerings

    -I will never turn anyone away for lack of funds, especially for folx impacted the most by 
    economic injustice & racism. Sliding-scale, payment plans, and partial scholarships available. 



    Detailed descriptions of (some) offerings:

    Yoga Nidra
    Somatoemotional Release
    Yoga Nidra
    Yoga Nidra is Sleep of the Yogis or Yogic Sleep. It is a path of yoga that is effortless and that invites deep rest where you remain awake and alert and receive the benefits of the deepest level of sleep, while moving through the layers of the consious and non-conscious mind. This is in Jess' toolbox because she has practiced YN for about a decade as a way to get better sleep after struggling with insomnia, as well as a way to support her nervous system when in high anxiety states. Yoga Nidra is a near daily practice for Jess. It is an essential part of her healing path. Yoga Nidra is a great addition to  ANY of Jess' offerings or as a stand alone offering. She offers seasonal virtual free/donation-based community practices and includes aspects of Yoga Nidra in sessions. It is phenomenal medicine. Jess completed a 100+ hour trauma-informed Transformative Sleep Yoga Nidra teacher certification training with Ally Boothroyd and the lovelies at The School of Living Yoga. 
    Reiki (Usui lineage and Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master)

    Reiki is the foundation for Jess’ bodywork practice, starting in 1996 as a practitioner and then becoming a Reiki Master under Mara Evenstar in 2019, and apprenticed with Mara for over a year to earn her Reiki Master Teacher Training Certificate in the summer of 2020. Rei-universal and Ki=vital life force energy that interpenetrates and connects all. Reiki means the universal life-force energy. It comes from a lineage of Reiki Masters in Japan, specifically Dr. Usui, and acknowledging this long line of healers, master’s and their lineage and offerings. Offering Reiki is the art of activating, directing and applying this life-force energy to promote energy balancing, healing and maintenance of our well-ness and our innate whole-ness/holy-ness. Reiki helps to balance the energies on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes. Reiki is a powerful teacher and a beautiful gift. Reiki sessions are blissful, powerful, relaxing, motivating, like a deep connection to source, to our own inner-knowing, and so loving. Folx can remain fully clothed for these sessions.


    In October of 2021, Jess studied with William Lee Rand from the International Center for Reiki Training, receiving the ignitions and guidance to invite, share, and offer Holy Fire ®III Karuna Reiki ® to those called to this beautiful, powerful, and gentle energy medicine. The Holy Fire energy is more refined and comes from a higher level of consciousness. It heals deeply and quickly without distress, releases worry and replaces it with a sense of safety. There is a deep sense of feeling loved, held, and  nurtured when one receives Holy Fire Reiki  ® energy. It supports the receiver in aligning with their authentic self more fully, openly, and easily. 


    Remote Reiki


    Remote Reiki sessions, also known as Distance or Absentee Healing, allow for you to be in your own sacred space, to be quiet and surround yourself with the comforts of home. You don’t need to drive to a session! However, I have shared remote sessions with folks who weren’t in a quiet space or able to be at home when Jess was sending Reiki healing. And that is ok. You will still receive the benefits of Reiki, no matter where you are (in the world) or who you are with. Jess has been attuned (empowered) with the symbol for distance healing. The distance symbol that is used along with other symbols during the session facilitates an energy connection between us, it’s so cool and so powerful. You will have a focused scheduled window of time that Jess will be sending intentional Reiki energy to you! How cool is that? Reach out to Jess for more information about remote Reiki sessions.


    CranioSacral Therapy (Upledger Method)


    Another foundational modality in Jess’s practice since 2000. CranioSacral Therapy (CST)  is a gentle, profound hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of a physiological body system called the craniosacral system - comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain, the nervous system and spinal cord. CranioSacral Therapy is a light-touch, manual therapy that releases tensions, as well as restrictions deep in the body, especially in the nervous system, to relieve pain, trauma held in the body (well, because that is where trauma is held), dysfunction and improve overall health and well-being. Jess has been studying and practicing CST since 1999. Receiving CST is like connecting to your inner river, feeling the flow and the ebb in the body, allowing stuck places to move, to be held, witnessed and released. CranioSacral sessions are relaxing and transformative.  Folx can remain fully clothed for these sessions. 


    Intra-oral/TMJD/Avenue of Expression work


    These modalities are also very foundational and unique to Jess’s offerings. These modalities focus on tension, soft tissue/muscle release, imbalance, and discomfort in the mouth. The use of these techniques is applied with gloves on. These modalities provide comfort and release to those who experience headaches, forward-head posture (tech neck), migraines, temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJD), issues around using our voice in a useful way, shame, blocked, creativity, and muscle tension in the mouth and jaw (and really much more-this impacts our whole-ness).


    The Avenue of Expression (AOE) is a specific CST modality created by Dr. John Upledger, D.O., that works and starts with the membranes within the thoracic region (upper chest), neck and jaw and the intraoral CranioSacral Therapy, the "mouth work" is the completion of the avenue. Clients share an increased ability to communicate clearly and effectively, even in long-standing difficult and complicated situations after receiving AOE. Clients report relaxation, release and more opening in creativity and communication. This work is very client-specific and is certainly another way to see and experience how the body, our experiences in life and how we communicate in and with the world are deeply connected. This work is often blended with craniosacral, lymph, reiki and BodyMind Method ©Coaching. 


    SomatoEmotional Release(SER)


    SomatoEmotional Release is a therapeutic process that uses and expands on the principles of CranioSacral Therapy (CST) to help clear the mind and body of the residual effects of injury, illness, accidents, harm, and yes trauma (it is often an over used and misunderstood word). This technique focuses on the “issues that are held in the tissues", in that undischarged emotional stress caused by a traumatic event or period in one’s life creates concentric tensions within the body. A dialogue will be initiated, as well as, the use of different craniosacral techniques to allow the body to slowly unwind in this therapeutic process so that the emotional energy that is being freed up can be lovingly supported and integrated into one’s life. Jess has witnessed and held space for clients who tap into pre-verbal trauma, in-utero trauma, sexuality, and sexual orientation wounding, ancestral/lineage trauma/issues, sexual abuse, pregnancy, and birth trauma, domestic violence wounding, a trauma that has been locked and forgotten about and released. Jess shares an experience that going into an SER session, she was in a horrific pain pattern from a recent crown placement (and holding YEARS of dental trauma). The pain had lasted from June until September when the first SER session occurred. She seriously thought she would be living with this pain forever. She was scared and not living her best life living in this pain. After several sessions of SER and Avenue of Expression, the pain from the tooth and in the mouth ceased. This work is deeply moving and incredible. It is brave work. It is scary work and liberatory work, but vital to come into our wholeness/holy-ness, our birth rite. Jess completed advanced SomatoEmotional Release training in November of 2022 at the Upledger Institute in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.  In addition, Jess is currently studying under Irene Lyon, who is a nervous system specialist and neuroplasticity expert. 


    Lymph Drainage Technique (Chikly Method)


    Lymph Drainage Technique is another foundational technique used in most of Jess’ sessions. She has been practicing LDT since 2005. This modality taps into the lymph layer of the body, including the superficial, deep lymph and even the lymph layer in the blood, muscle, and organs. It is a beautiful gently powerful modality that supports the movement of stagnation, allows the body to find balance and homeostasis when the immune system is taxed. The technique creates a vacuum for lymph to flow up toward the heart and be moved out toward the organs of elimination via gentle hands-on movements. These movements assess and enhance overall circulation as well as determine the best alternate pathways for draining stagnant body fluid (lymph, interstitial, synovial fluid, etc…). This is another technique that taps directly into the water/fluid layer of the body so you may feel as if you are sinking into a calm body of water. LDT is a gentle technique that works through the body's interstitial and lymphatic system to activate the body liquid circulation and stimulate the functioning of the immune and parasympathetic nervous systems. Receiving an LDT session from Jess will support the body’s innate ability to heal itself. Jess has offered LDT to folks experiencing long term illness, to support folx while cleansing, as a preventative for cancer’s return, to support while in cancer treatment, ease and support after top surgery, for overall well-being, to support after injury, to support before and after surgery, after lymph node removal and mastectomies, for swelling in the limbs (especially the feet and legs), for movement in the neck, for breaking up and movement of cellulite, for uplifting facial tissue as well as focused work for migraines and sinuses. 


    Final Touch Technique™


    This offering is for those who are in all stages of dying and for those looking for and needing massage/comfort touch that is gentle and skilled. This technique is great for frail and compromised bodies. Jess’s teachers for FTT would often talk about “having a strong back and soft heart”. This is that kind of work. Jess is there to make this part of the journey just a small bit better. In these sessions nothing is trying to be fixed or healed, space is held for comfort, touch and the beautiful unfolding of the death mystery. “We don’t try and solve the mystery, we live in the mystery (FTT teachers)”. Jess finds this work to be the most humbling of all her offerings. To sit bedside and share comfort touch as someone winds their way to death is an honor of the utmost. These times are calm, quiet and peaceful, like a prayer., These sessions are mobile, I do not bring a massage table, they are done either in a bed, on a couch or in a comfy chair, wherever the dying is most comfortable. Along with the regular rate, there is a mileage fee. Contact Jess for more information.


    Massage Therapy


    Jess schooled in over 600 hours of in-class study and hands-on experience in varying techniques and is at the core of Jess’ massage training. Since the completion of her program in 1998, Jess has clocked thousands of hand-on hours with 100s of amazing bodies, minds, and souls! This is what it means by being in and having a practice. We live in a stressful world, our lives are busy, active, and can be very stressful, at times. Many of us don’t take the time to slow down, sink in, rest and deeply listen and recognize what is going on in our bodies, to feel our bodies and what they are saying to us. Massage allows for embodiment (connecting with our inner and outer world), to check into the layers of our being-body, mind and spirit/soul-essence and feel and notice. Massage sessions are therapeutic in nature even if relaxation and de-stressing are requested. Focus for massage sessions varies by client, but is mainly all about the muscles, joints, range of motion, and fascial layer of the body, but with Jess’ whole-istic and intuitive approach don’t be surprised if you experience, reiki, CST, lymph and some plant medicine with essential oils/AromaTouch Technique ™ to support your massage session. 


    Please inquire about these other techniques:


    -AromaTouch Technique ™ (ATT)

    -Massage Cupping ™

    -Reflexolo-Chi ™

    -Gua Sha 

    -Grief Massage Sessions-see end of life doula info


    Clients recommend a blend of AromaTouch Technique (ATT ™) and Reflexolo-chi ™ modalities-bliss beyond words! ATT uses 4 single note and 4 proprietary blended essential oils applied along energy lines and organ points of the back, feet and hands to support in balancing and supporting the nervous system and combined with Reflexolo-chi ™-a variation on tradition foot reflexolgy developed by my teacher Gloria Zimet.

    Final Touch Technique
    Massage Therapy
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